CDC Commercial Inc

January 2011 Monthly Letter

2011 is the year of the rabbit according to the Chinese calendar. Just a short letter to let you know we are off to a quick start and hard at work in the New Year. The bounce has started and although it will be a long slow recovery it is underway. As far as the activity, this past December was one of the better I have seen in years. Still not great but better than it has been!

While we are all at work at CDC Commercial to get this year going with a bang, I am extra busy writing the 2011 Gold Report. You should be receiving this by the end of the month and we hope that it gives you an insight into the year ahead. As troubling as the future may seem, I am excited that opportunities are starting to reveal themselves. We look forward to exploring these opportunities with you in the year ahead.

I wish you a healthy, happy and mutually prosperous New Year! I am blessed to have such great friends and clients! Now let’s get off to a jackrabbit start to 2011!

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