Monthly Letter and Gold Report 2011

January 26, 2011

RE: Monthly Letter and Gold Report

Well it is that time of year again. We clean out the closets, drawers and garage. We evaluate our investments and plan for the New Year. In my case, I also write The Gold Report, which helps me focus myself and give you some insight into how we see the New Year setting up.

The last couple of years have been a salesman’s nightmare. You see, the last few years have been filled with too many excuses for decision makers to put off buying/leasing decisions. For two years we have been hearing, “Call me back when …”. Unfortunately, like a client mine says, “a quick no is better than a long maybe.” What we are faced with is a backlog of maybes. However, I am glad to report and as you will read in The Gold Report Commercial Real Estate 2011…we’ve got an app for that, we believe we have turned the corner. That is reinforced by the fact that we are hearing less “maybes” and more “no’s” and some “yes’s.” And as another client of mine has recently said, “we’re going to have to sell our way out of this.” Let me reiterate all news is not good news but it appears that “the stall” is unfreezing and people are taking action. This action may be to go out of business, lay people off or seek new space but the action creates change and change creates a real estate market and makes us money if we are paying attention.

As you will read in the editorial of The Gold Report, today is “Whensday.” I hope you enjoy reading this year’s report as much as I do writing it for you. I and the entire team at CDC Commercial look forward to building our relationship with you on your Whensdays of 2011.

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Don S. Zech
CDC Commercial, Inc.
Real Estate Services

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