January 2012 Monthly Letter

Happy New Year! As many of my long term readers know, I don’t send out a January letter as I am busy putting together our annual Gold Report which will come to you at the end of the month and hopefully give you some vision as to what we see for the year ahead. The other reason for not writing is that December is traditionally very slow so we don’t have much activity to report.

I’d like to give you a little hope for the New Year. This was the busiest Thanksgiving to New Year’s period I have seen in years. This gives me a lot of hope…but they have to close – but that’s what we do.

Unemployment got under 10% (9.7%) in San Diego County also giving everyone some hope.

I want to thank all of you in helping me and the entire team at CDC Commercial to survive these tough times. We look forward to building our relationship and a mutually profitable year in 2012!

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