CDC Commercial Inc
September 2015 Monthly Letter

Picture this scenario: You go to the refrigerator to get a jug of milk. Should be simple, right? What could go wrong? The refrigerator is packed. The milk is right there in front on the top shelf, wedged in between a pint of cottage cheese and some bottles of apple

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Monthly Letter for August 2015

As I flipped through the channels the other day I watched the debate as to whether interest rates should be tightened. On the next news channel, I saw business titan Donald Trump promising voters to make America great. It was at that “ah-ha” moment that I realized the current American

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July 2015 Monthly Letter

On the 4th of July 1826, former Presidents Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, who were once fellow Patriots and then adversaries both died within five hours of each other. Jefferson and Adams were the last surviving members of the original American Revolutionaries who stood up to the British Empire and

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June 2015 Monthly Letter

“The sidelines are not where you want to live your life. The world needs you in the arena. There are problems that need to be solved. Injustices that need to be ended. Diseases still in need of cure. No matter what you do next, the world needs your energy, your

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May 2015 Monthly Letter

The sign that there is intelligent life on other planets is that they haven’t visited us! On one hand, I am absolutely thrilled to see the economy and our local market picking up. I am, however, worried about the global economy and the Fed policy. The first rule of holes

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April 2015 Monthly Letter

“In general, the art of government consists of taking as much money as possible from one party of citizens to give to the other.” –Voltaire (1764) Commercial real estate values continue to climb in the first two month of the year. Some of this has to do with good fundamentals

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March 2015 Monthly Letter

As I sit to write this letter, Janet Yellen the Federal Reserve Chair announced the Feds “continued patience” with the recovery. I read that as, conditions are sufficiently lackluster that the Federal Reserve has little choice in their bag of tricks but to stand pat and watch their previous mistakes

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February 2015 Monthly Letter

Happy Ground Hog Day! And while I am at it Happy Chinese New Year. This year is the year of the sheep. Well, in fact, it is the year of the goat. Political correctness and spin tells us it is the year of the sheep because the sheep is one

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January 2015 Monthly Letter

Happy New Year! As many of my long term readers remember, I put out the annual Gold Report each year with our forecast of the year ahead. As with many businesses, the internet with big data and instant access has kind of made the annual Gold Report forecast outdated. However,

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December 2014 Monthly Letter

“The only time my prayers are never answered is on the golf course.” — Billy Graham Something that I have often observed throughout my 30 years in commercial real estate, is that top producers don’t spend much time complaining about how difficult it is to close transactions or make money

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