CDC Commercial Inc
October 2018 Monthly Letter

At the end of the year, my youngest son will be completing his MBA. Of course, I was quick to remind him what B.S. stands for (you know…bull stuff) and that an M.S. is more of the same and of course a P.H.D is piled higher and deeper. Whether students

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September 2018 Monthly Letter

Well, my birthday came and went again, and I still can’t figure out how I got over the hill without getting to the top! But I have found a way to increase my fitness quotient without working any harder yet still impressing all my friends and family. I have officially

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August 2018 Monthly Letter

Two years ago, I celebrated my 55th birthday, had a heart attack from an injury caused blood clot followed by complete cardiac arrest 10 days later while trying to recover (a one in a thousand event). I guess it wasn’t my time. Since then I’ve run five half marathons and a

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July 2018 Monthly Letter

“Computers are useless. They can only give you answers.” – Pablo Picasso Happy 4th of July to all! Boy when our founders signed the constitution do you think they could have imagined where we are at now? Of course, life changes and evolves. Who would have thought that the mechanical

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June 2018 Monthly Letter

Well I am going to keep this month’s letter short since I am writing it from my balcony over-looking the blue green waters of the Pacific Ocean and Maui coastline. First it never ceases to amaze me how technology allows me to stay in touch with calls, emails, electronic files,

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May 2018 Monthly Letter

“Brokers, who having no stock of their own, set up and trade with that of other men , buying here, and selling there, and commonly abusing both sides to make out a little paltry gain.” ~From Samuel Johnson’s “a Dictionary of the English Language”, 1755. I prefer to think of the

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April 2018 Monthly Letter

“The difference between death and taxes is death doesn’t get worse every time Congress meets.”  ~ Will Rogers Isn’t it appropriate that the month we pay taxes starts with April Fool’s day and finishes with the cries of May Day (traditional International Workers Day)! Adlai Stevenson said in a campaign speech,

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March 2018 Monthly Letter

Well, things have picked up speed and we are running fast (sometimes like a hamster on a wheel, other times like the Antelope on the open plains). The USD Burnham-Moores Center for Real Estate’s Index of Leading Economic Indicators for San Diego County rose 0.6 percent in November, 1.4% in

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February 2018 Monthly Letter

George Washington gave some great advice that we can still use today, in his farewell address of 1776: “Don’t blow the tax payer’s cash on tanks, don’t elect the same guy more than twice and don’t let the nations politics devolve into partisan bickering.” Well let me tell you that

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January 2018 Monthly Letter

“The reason that guru is such a popular word is because “Charlatan” is so hard to spell.” ~ William Bernstein The word “Charlatan” is derived from the Italian word ciarlare which means “to babble”. One of the benefits of keeping ones eye on history is that you discover, more often

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