CDC Commercial Inc
Everyone Fears the End of the World

I don’t know if anyone else saw the irony in it, but I had to chuckle when I read that Zoom is calling its workers back to the office for the first time since the pandemic. First, let me assure you that the world is not coming to an end.

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Read our predictions now. Are we spot on?

The economic slowdown is now underway and inflation rates, though moderating, are still too high. The monetary policy trilemma (is that even a word?) of price stability vs financial market stability vs economic support is now a reality. The Fed just increased interest rates another ¼ percent and bank regulators

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Dali Lama
Does the Dalai Lama care about inflation and M2?

We are in the late stage of a long-term debt cycle. Debt has become so high it is difficult to give lender-creditors a high enough interest rate relative to inflation to make them want to hold this debt as an asset without making the rates so high that it hurts

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How much is enough? -37% possible?

How is it that we put a man on the moon before we figured out if it would be a good idea to put wheels on luggage? In an almost equally cool move as wheels on luggage, last year Apple started to allow you to store car, house, and hotel

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What do baseball and zombie companies have in common?

“The point to remember is that what the government gives, it must first take away.” ~ John Coleman Well spring is in the air (nope sorry, that’s more rain) and baseball is returning to the ballparks. Tax Day (April 18th) has been replaced by Jackie Robinson Day (April 15th) and

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What if we run out of rich people?

“There is no wealth but life.” ~ Ruskin I assume most of you watched and enjoyed the Super Bowl a couple of weeks ago. It was interesting because most of these season finales turn out to be sort of ho-hum. This year was a nail biter to the end. On

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23 Predictions for 23 – Stressing Out About CRE

California produces 60% of American roses but the vast majority sold on Valentine’s Day in the U.S. are imported from South America. One hundred and ten million roses will be sold and delivered this Valentine’s Day – another sign of California losing some of its lovin’ (and jobs). On the

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