CDC Commercial Inc
August 2019 Monthly Letter

If you asked one hundred people on the street if they understand how a refrigerator works, most would respond, yes, they do. But ask them to then produce a detailed, step-by-step explanation of how exactly a refrigerator works and you would likely hear silence or stammering. This powerful but inaccurate

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July 2019 Monthly Letter

The tune of the National Anthem was originally used as an English drinking song called “To Anacreon in Heaven.” Cheers…and Happy 4th of July! U.S. economic growth depends heavily on the performance of individual states. California, for instance, in 2017 was the fifth largest economy in the world, boasting a

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June 2019 Monthly Letter

Hard to believe but 10 years ago, Walter Cronkite, Paul Harvey and Michael Jackson all died. Equally hard to believe, 10 years ago Nick Zech joined CDC Commercial – Happy Anniversary Nick! Who would have thought back 23 years ago with four kids under the age of seven and naming the

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May 2019 Monthly Letter

“You’re always going to have critics and naysayers and people that are going to tell you that you won’t, that you can’t, that you shouldn’t. Most of those people are the people that didn’t, that wouldn’t, that couldn’t.”            ~ Tim Tebow I have been fortunate

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April 2019 Monthly Letter

“The difference between death and taxes is death doesn’t get worse every time Congress meets.” – Will Rogers April Fool’s Day also called All Fool’s Day, dates back to 1582 when France changed from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar. People who were slow to adapt or get the news

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March 2019 Monthly Letter

A Scot, a Muslim, a German and a Jew play golf and go to the bar afterward. They play, they talk, they laugh, they drink and become good friends… It’s not a joke. It’s what happens when you play golf! I say this because I recently received an email from

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February 2019 Monthly Letter

In 1929 in Chicago, gun men in the suspected employment of organized crime boss Al Capone murdered seven members of George “Bugs” Morin’s North Siders gang in a garage on North Clark Street. The so-called St. Valentines Day Massacre stirred a media storm centered on Capone and his illegal prohibition

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January 2019 Monthly Letter

Wow! What a year? Hang on to your hat because 2019 is going to continue the wild ride! People ask me all the time, “what about the interest rate increase?” For the most part, I tell them commercial real estate doesn’t get affected the same way as residential. That is

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December 2018 Monthly Letter and Seasons Greetings

Happy Holidays! In today’s fast-paced, tech driven world it is often hard to get our nose out of a screen and just plain be thankful for all that’s around us. I was thinking back to the early days of caller ID and why we would “op out” because we didn’t

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November 2018 Monthly Letter

“Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.” – Ben Franklin I think it’s funny that we live in a time where our President has never had a beer and our newest Justice “loves beer” and we live in a region where craft beer adds

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